August 11, 2010

What is Probiotics?

To most gun dog owners "probiotics" might sound like a word straight out of a science fiction movie. It could even be a term used at a congressional hearing regarding performance enhancing drugs in professional sports. I can easily understand how probiotics could be a word to describe a mixture of robotics and steroids. Fortunately, that is not the case. In this post I hope to shed some light on exactly what is 100% natural, probiotics and how it can directly benefit our trusty hunting companions.

In actuality, probiotics are "good bacteria" that aid in digesting food and absorbing nutrients more completely. If you have ever seen an Activia Yogurt commercial staring Jamie Lee Curtis? This is exactly the same but for dogs. When your four legged friends large intestine is colonized by a healthy amount of probiotic bacteria, there isn't any room left to be occupied by harmful bacteria. Probiotics act as a natural protective barrier which keeps such harmful pathogens such as Salmonella and E-coli from proliferating. Probiotics for dogs also helps to bolster the canine immune system by increasing antibody levels. Another "buzz word" and not to confused with probiotics is prebotics. Think of prebiotics as health food for existing intestinal probiotic bacteria. Probitotic bacteria will feed on prebiotics and become even stronger. For more complete information on prebiotics visit my post written last year, What is Prebiotics?

Dogs both young and old benefit from daily supplements of probiotics. It keeps them healthy, happy, and hunting hard!

OK, so lets get down to the blue collar explanation of probiotics. Working gun dogs are exposed to all sorts of harmful bacteria in the field. Whether it be retrieving a bloody pheasant or muck covered mallard our best friends are exposed to a myriad of nasty microcritters. Without doubt, a gun dog needs to be supplied every available weapon to fight off possible illness after being exposed to these circumstances day in a day out. An increase of probiotics adds a first line defense by increasing the strength of the dog immune system. This occurs because the good bacteria helps the intestine stay health and absorb more of the nutrients in your dogs daily diet. Conversely, it helps your dogs internal engine burn cleaner and more efficient -i.e they are supplied the ability to digest their food more completely. Secondly, probiotic cultures wage a nonstop war against harmful gastrointestinal bacteria that can proliferate quickly if not held in check. Has your dog ever suffered through an awful bout of diarrhea or has been diagnosed with a chronic sensitive stomach? That is where probiotic cultures can come storming into play like a superhero in time of need. They are your dogs intestinal and immunity police!

Supplemental probiotics can be given to your dog in various forms. The two strains of direct fed micro organisms that can currently be used in dog food are Lactobacillus acidophilus and Enterococcus faecium. These days there are a number of reputable food producers that add probiotics into their dry kibble formula's. Dog foods such as Blue Buffalo, Castor & Pollux(both of their NutriMix and Organix brands), and Wellness have all been at the forefront of the probiotic food ingredient movement. In addition, there is a wide variety of over the counter powder supplements that can be sprinkled in powder form on top of your dogs existing food. Check out Fastrack by Conklin for super premium probiotic supplements.

If you have any further questions regarding probiotics or nutritional issues please do not hesitiate to contact me. I can be reached directly at or post a comment below. I will personally respond to each and every question. Thank you for reading.

Best of luck out there. -Mark

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